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Mindful May Week 2

This week's Mindfulness practice is all about allowing yourself to notice, or note your thoughts.

The Noting Technique is helpful for creating awareness without judgement.

Whether you are focusing on the breath or simply sitting in quiet, this technique involves specifically “noting” what’s distracting the mind, to the extent that we are so caught up in a thought or emotion that we’ve lost our awareness of the breath. We “note” the thought or feeling to restore awareness, create a bit of space, as a way of letting go, and to learn more about our thought patterns, tendencies, and conditioning. When you note that your thoughts have drifted from your breath, simply label it a thought or a feeling, and get back to counting your breaths.

I love this short, 1:30 minute video by Headspace that illustrates the Noting Technique. Give it a watch.

This week, do your best to note when your mind is distracted, and instead of judging the thoughts or emotions, simply get back to your breath.

Do you notice a pattern of your disruptive thoughts?

The power of mindfulness :)

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