So much of what I do in my day-to-day work is helping to reassure my clients that they are on the right path. When you begin a health journey, you start paying attention--and that is key to getting you to where you want to go and an important aspect of achieving your ultimate goal.
You may start weighing yourself, keeping track of steps and weight lifted, or have an overall awareness of your food intake (no matter your nutrition strategy), and when we start to pay attention, we notice. It's natural!
Most of the work I do around mindset is understanding that your health and/or fitness journey is going to consist of phases and nuances. I come from a background where macros and strict tracking of workouts was the only way to get to your goal--and certainly, some goals do take that level of precision, but for the vast majority of my clients, aiming for ranges, lifestyle improvements, and keeping a positive outlook where you give yourself credit for the things you ARE doing, are what ultimately get them to their goal--and more importantly, help them sustain their goals because they've shifted their understanding from a black and white perspective to a gray area approach.
You will absolutely have phases in your journey where you can dedicate more time, money, and energy to your outcomes--but that isn't your forever. Life happens. We encounter hardship, obstacles, and being out of routine. I know for a lot of my female clients, their monthly cycle has a huge impact on how they perceive their goals, and if they're actually getting anywhere. Our bodies are not machines, and while they can do amazing things and we should be grateful and proud of what we can do, we have to recognize when we are in a phase that requires a more gentle approach.
So, how do you know if you're getting anywhere? Well, there are certainly physical markers that you can watch for and notice. Is your sleep improving? Do you manage stress better? Do you have new ways of coping with boredom, sadness, and lack of energy? Do you feed yourself with your health in mind with nutrient-dense foods? Is your heart rate in a normal range? Has your blood pressure improved?
As you can see, there are plenty of physical markers that can help you realize that your efforts are resulting in the outcomes you desire.
I find that most of my clients can acknowledge those significant physical markers, but have a harder time connecting with the mindset part of achieving their goal. Mindset truly is the key to everything, and you can start very simply.
Start by noticing or noting--I love this technique. Check out this short video below to understand how to notice, or note--without judgement.
When we note how we feel and consider thoughts we are having without judgement, we can step back and take a look at the bigger picture, and be less reactionary to ease our discomforts.
This absolutely applies to achieving your goals--it's important to really understand how you're feeling, and equally important to act in ways that support your wellbeing, as well as the strategies you're using to pursue your goal.
You may always battle feelings of not feeling like you've "arrived", but I hope you can recognize those moments and truly stop yourself and consider:"is this true? What evidence do I have that it is? What evidence do I have that it's not?"
When you take the time to have that conversation with yourself you can recognize your self-efficacy and how far you've come.
Breaking one habit is a big deal, taking one step towards bettering your mental health--is a big deal. All of these little realizations add up to the outcomes you want to achieve.
It takes time. It takes inner-work. It takes creating support systems. It takes expressing gratitude.
You'll get there. Keep going.