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Why I Love Wellness

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

Change has always been difficult for me. I'm sure some of you can relate. Some people are just born with the ability to navigate change in a positive way, embracing that "nothing is as consistent as change". I think of my step-dad, he navigates and embraces change so well, even considering a difficult and unpredictable childhood. Maybe that is fundamentally why he is able to navigate change so well.

I bring up change because Wellness is really all about change--so, if I'm so inherently opposed to change, why do I love Wellness so much?

Somewhere along the path of healing from eating disorders, self-destruction, and isolation, I found strength and resilience in discovering how I could actively improve my habits, self-awareness, and self-efficacy.

Unlike health, Wellness is not a state of being, it's a journey. It's a journey that requires good self-stewardship, not only for ourselves but for people we love and have a connection with. Wellness is a holistic integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It's about engaging the mind, fueling the body, and service. It's about living life, fully.

I love Wellness so much because selfishly, it's fulfilling. Helping others find meaningful strategies for self-regulation, habits, and self-awareness is what I have always felt called to do. Through my own journey, and many hours of experience in helping others, I am able to help those on their own paths to discovering and maintaining their own personal harmony.

The stress and pace of modern life have meant that we often find ourselves stacking the deck in a few areas of our life, rather than finding--and claiming balance. All dimensions of Wellness are important to living fully, but this doesn't mean they have to be in perfect balance. Instead, attending to all dimensions but having the autonomy to find your personal harmony is also another reason I love Wellness, and love helping others notice and create change and habits to support their personal harmony.

Below, I've included the Dimensions of Wellness. As you can see, it's all related. If one dimension is not attended to; over time it will adversely affect your quality of life and well-being. Are there dimensions that you can clearly identify need nurturing? If so, are you able to put energy and attention in that direction? I would love to hear your experiences of self-discovery below, and if you could use a little help and some gentle nudges to spark your potential, affirmations, and priorities, please feel free to contact me and I would love to chat with you.

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2 commentaires

13 avr. 2021

Change is definitely hard to embrace, especially for us black and white thinkers! In my own experience, I noticed that change meant stress for me...when I had tools and strategies to effectively navigate stress, change became easier. The process, at least! I do still catch myself balking at change itself, but I can say it's gotten better now that I recognize that changing course is hard in any capacity--it requires energy!


Membre inconnu
13 avr. 2021

This is so beautifully expressed. Change is hard!!!

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